One of my first unplanned ventures in PA was a little town called Voliant. It's in a largely Amish community and has all sorts of crafts and specialities shops. When my parents first came up to visit, we toured through Voliant's Fall pumpkin festival and this past weekend we returned with Noah's parents. There is an amazing little kitchen shop there where I decided to sign up for some cooking classes at and while there I spotted the cutest flower cupcakes so I decided to recreate my own version of them. So in honor of the beautiful fall weather and colors up here in PA, here is my how-to on my "Mum" cupcakes:
You'll need: Cupcakes, icing, marshmallows, a knife, sprinkles or icing color spray.
While cupcakes are baking, cut marshmallows diagonally in two.
I baked Duncan Hines confetti cupcakes
Ice cupcakes as usual, I mixed in sprinkles with my icing (just because I love sprinkles)
After cupcakes are iced, begin placing the marshmallow halves along the outer edges
Then begin moving inward and placing the marshmallows till the whole cupcake is filled
Ta-da! The cupcake should now resemble a flower
I used a color mist spray for the first mum to get the orange dye color
Instead of dye you can also use sprinkles, which stick well to the exposed sticky marshmallow
And since presentation is everything, I bought a cute fall box at Wal-Mart to sit the cupcakes in
I made one box of mums and one box with just regular cupcakes
(incase someone doesn't like marshmallows)
I used cute little pumpkin toothpicks to top those off
Those are my mum cupcakes! Hope you enjoyed!
these are SO fun, megan!!! where did you find that spray coloring??
the sprinkles are my favorite though :)
i'm a follower now!
I never would have guessed from your pics that they were made out of marshmallows! Super cute!
Those are amazing! So clever!
I just showed my daughter these. It's her birthday on Thursday and she is having friends over on Saturday. I just asked if she wants to make these for Saturday and she said yes. now she is asking..what is color mist? I'll have to find that stuff. lol
P.S. I did a cute thing for Wordless Wed. on my blog
Great idea, after I showed up with these its all anyone talked about:)
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